Spicy Turkey Burgers
You know you think it when you hear “turkey burger”…just a hint of disappointment knowing that you’ll have to slather on some extra condiments to make up for the otherwise dry and bland burger itself. You don’t have to pretend that you love the taste turkey burgers *so* much more than beef burgers. I’ve been there. I know. BUT, luckily these turkey burgers are by no means bland and DEFINITELY not dry. I would even venture to say that I would pick this turkey burger over a beef burger. It’s THAT good. You will be in shock. And awe. And wonder why you’ve suffered through so many bad turkey burgers pretending to like them because they’re supposed to be “healthy.” Trust me here.
Now, on the flip side, don’t let the word “spicy” scare you. These turkey burgers do have a couple of spicy ingredients but are by no means 5-alarm, call the fire department spicy. The spice just perks up the otherwise kind of bland turkey. The green chiles also add some much needed moisture to the turkey. As does the cheese. Plus, it’s hard to go wrong with cheese.
I kind of got this recipe from my mom. I say “kind of” because when I asked her what was in it she replied, “ground turkey, cheese, green chiles, and hot sauce.” Thanks, mom. That’s real helpful. Just kidding…I love my mom and I’m sure she would figure out the exact amounts for me if I wanted but she just knows how much goes in. It’s like her secret. Well, I’m outing her secret. Because it’s too good not to share. I also added a little fresh cilantro because we have an enormous amount in our garden. Totally optional. Totally delicious.
What did I put on my turkey burgers? A little extra cheese (there’s never enough), guacamole, and lettuce. Um, YUM! I think we even added pickles to the mix when we had leftovers. You can also use your traditional burger toppings and it would be delicious. Basically, you can’t go wrong with these burgers.

- 1 pound ground turkey
- 1/2-3/4 can chopped green chiles (4 ounce can)
- 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
- 2 tablespoon chopped cilantro
- 1 teaspoon hot sauce or Sriracha
- Gently blend ingredients together until just combined.
- Form into 4 patties.
- Grill over medium heat for 5-6 minutes per side, until golden brown and the inside temperature reads 165 degrees Fahrenheit. Since these are turkey burgers, make sure they are cooked all the way through.
- I topped my burgers with lettuce, a little more cheese, and guacamole. You can also use your favorite traditional burger toppings!