About Me

Hey there! Thanks for visiting! My name is Steph. I am a stay-at-home mom, occupational therapist, graphic designer, and wannabe cook, baker, and gardener. I think I’m pretty cool but I’ll let you decide for yourself.

Me and my wonderful husband Travis

Since my son was born, my main job has been taking care of the now 1-year-old little guy. Oh man, does he keep me busy chasing him and stopping him from getting into mischief! Before he was born I worked as a school occupational therapist and before that I got a degree in visual communication design. I enjoy designing in my free time, though not nearly enough. So I pretty much try to do everything (yet nothing seems to ever get done)!

Peeta and Primrose

My husband, Travis, and I moved to Michigan from Ohio after college at Ohio State (Go Bucks!) and have enjoyed Michigan ever since! In addition to our biological son, we have two trouble makers named Peeta and Primrose. Yes, Hunger Games. No, we did not pick the names ourselves but when we adopted the kitty siblings I couldn’t manage to change their names. Don’t know why. So the names stuck!

Cooking at home, age 3

I have grown up in the kitchen cooking with my mom and grandmothers. Their influence helped me become the cook (and person) I am today. Hope I do them proud. I think I do. Again, I’ll let you decide. I love starting from square one when cooking. I try to use the freshest, most pure form of ingredients to create yummy masterpieces. I’m definitely not a professional chef, but I hope you enjoy my ramblings and, most of all, my recipes!
