Baby Peaches
Guess what!?! We have peaches!! Travis’ grandma planted a peach pit for us several years back that took to growing quite well. Every year the peach tree gets a little bigger and a little more promising. I think it got some flowers last year without any fruit. This year it has peaches! Well…it has baby peaches. I’m not exactly sure they will turn into real life-size peaches this year but either way it’s so exciting! Look at those little guys…so cute!
I don’t know why I’m surprised every year when we actually grown things in our garden. Yes, it is work. But it’s not magic. You plant seeds and take care of them and you’re bound to get at least SOMETHING. We happen to be getting several things this year. Our garlic, green beans, peas, red cabbage, carrots, cilantro, rosemary, mint, chives, and strawberries are all coming in nicely! It looks like we’ll get a few tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers. Those didn’t fare so well with the weather all over the place when we planted them. We should have planned that better…
For some reason our basil is not doing so hot. Our first year we had so much basil that we couldn’t use it quick enough and now these past 2 years have been lacking in the basil department. I’m not sure what’s different about these past 2 years but I hope it grows for us again at some point. I miss you, basil. COME BACK!!! Pretty please (Obviously kind words work to grow plants. Known fact.).
06.23.2016 @ 1:55 pm
I love this! I literally just put a couple of peach pits on the counter to dry out so that I can save them to plant 🙂 My hubs John thinks I’m crazy, but this gives me faith they’ll grow in Ohio weather!
06.29.2016 @ 3:49 pm
Yes! They do grow in the Midwest. I’m not exactly sure how the peach pit was planted but I know it was in a pot outside for a little bit until it got big enough to plant. Now it’s taller than me!