Creamy Chocolate Pudding
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with joy and happiness. And turkey. And mashed potatoes. And pie…certainly can’t forget the pie! Since we’re already on the topic of dessert, let’s talk pudding.
Boxed pudding is one of those mysterious things in life. Just about everyone who has made pudding in the past 50 years or so is bound to have made the stuff. It’s ridiculously simple to make…add some milk, mix, and refrigerate. Voilà! It’s done and ready to eat. Way too simple to even *think* about making your own. That’s where you’re wrong! I thought the same thing! It’s definitely not hard from what I have experienced.
While my husband and I were devouring this pudding, he asked why we never made pudding from scratch before because it was so simple. Seriously…why hadn’t we? Besides just defaulting to the boxed stuff, probably because I had been brainwashed into thinking it would be the hardest thing in the world to make…that’s why. So stop being brainwashed by horror stories of homemade pudding gone wrong and give it a try.
You’re not convinced yet, are you? Well take a look at the ingredients. Nothing in there is the slightest bit scary. Sugar. Cocoa powder. Milk. Eggs. Butter. Need I continue?? I even had most everything in my pantry or refrigerator already! WIN!
For those of you that are on board with me, great. For those of you that are STILL not convinced, let me tell you how rich and creamy and smooth this pudding is. Not only that, but it has so much depth of flavor that the boxed stuff covers up with who knows what. You will be shocked and amazed at the deep chocolate flavor. Shocked and amazed. Doesn’t that sound awesome?
That’s all I have, folks. If you aren’t convinced, I am sorry for your loss of delicious pudding in your life. At least I can say I tried.

- 2/3 cup sugar
- 1/4 cup cornstarch
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
- 2 1/2 cups whole milk
- 3 large egg yolks
- 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into cubes
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- whipped cream, optional
- Whisk sugar, cornstarch, salt, and cocoa in a saucepan, off heat. Very gradually add the milk, whisking continuously, until the dry mixture is completely incorporated. Whisk in the egg yolks.
- Heat over medium heat, whisking continuously, until the first large bubble forms and pops. Reduce the heat to low and whisk for 1 more minute.
- Remove from heat and immediately pour through sieve into medium sized bowl. Stir in butter and vanilla until incorporated.
- Place plastic wrap directly on the surface (to prevent a skin from forming) and chill for 3 hours to 3 days.
- Whisk before serving. Serve with whipped cream.
- I topped my pudding with whipped cream. Pretty much a must. I also shaved a little bit of chocolate on top then chopped up some leftover mint chocolate patty Halloween candy to garnish. YUM!